Lena Pfäffli, Sophie Germanier, Valentina Labitzke
On Gossip...
25.09. - 07.10.2023

25.09.2023 - 07.10.2023
We are friends. And collaborators. For almost two years, we have been meeting regularly to exchange thoughts on our cultural practices, current projects, texts we've read, movies we've watched, books never read, reality TV, sex, exhibitions, geopolitical crises, past loves, money, friendships, and health. Juggling the balance between private and public, we eventually turned our attention to what we were actually doing: being gossipers.

For two weeks in October, we nested ourselves in the spaces of Bella to delve into the ambiguous phenomenon of gossip and its slippery nature. This ongoing collaboration involved collective readings and screenings of films and video materials, exchanges among ourselves and with others, the creation of intimate spaces, and a field research trip to a party.

In the process of trying to turn our research into a more graspable form for an audience, we realized even more that gossip can`t be materialized and planned. For that reason we hosted a dinner at the end of our residency which didn't hold the expectation for gossip to happen but which enabled potential gossiping through curatorial interferences: moment of trust building, mystery, food, rooms and corners, atmosphere.

We don't want to solidify a definition of gossip, but rather outline it in a section of an ongoing glossary.

More tba.
